Reading Pamphlets
(Collection description created in 2002. Links checked 2009)
Reading University Library, Main Library
Publication date range
The collection ranges from the 17th to the 20th century, but is predominantly circa 1750-1900
Number of items
ca. 2,400
Description of the collection
The pamphlets catalogued for the project are part of the much larger Pamphlets Books collection amounting to ca 6,000 plus items in over 600 volumes, miscellaneous in content but broadly political in scope. It includes 29 volumes of The Pamphleteer 1813 to 1829.
The Pamphlet Book Collection is a creation of the University Library and dates from at least as early as the 1920s. It presently comprises over 600 volumes and continues to grow slowly. The bulk of the collection comprises pamphlets from various sources bound up by the library, but collections of contemporary owners are included. Some 90 volumes are thought to be from the Library of William Wyndham, Baron Grenville, although this has to be confirmed.
Language(s) of the material
English and some Italian and French
Find out about conditions of access. The Pamphlet Book Collection includes many relevant items in addition to those catalogued for the project, some of which are accessible via the Library's opac.
Library's online catalogue
This collection has not been digitised
Copac is a national, academic & special library catalogue
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