Porteus Library
(Collection description created in 2002. Links checked 2009)
Historic Collections Section, Senate House, University of London Library
Publication date range
ca. 1790-1900
Number of items
ca. 4,000 items, including 300 volumes of pamphlets
Description of the collection
The collection is composed of approximately 4,000 volumes, including 300 volumes of pamphlets covering ecclesiastical affairs, and a wide range of other subjects such as slavery, the French Revolution, travel and topography, mostly published between 1750-1809. There are also a few earlier books and a later collection, mainly volumes of sermons and charges, added by William Howley.
The research significance of this collection has been brought out in an article by D T Richnell "The cumulation and juxtaposition of the books and pamphlets on all the varied subjects that an influential churchman of the period had to concern himself with, or was passionately interested in, in the end provides a vivid picture of the background and mental climate of his age, or at any rate one stratum of the society of the age". The items relating to slavery and the slave trade, the subject of a separate manuscript catalogue, compiled by or for Porteus himself, are most frequently consulted by researchers. other subjects covered in the pamphlet holdings of the Porteus Library include the American Revolution, India, the Union with Ireland, the Regency and the French Revolution.
The Library of Beilby Porteus, Bishop of London, housed at Fulham Palace until its deposit at the University of London Library in 1958
Language(s) of the material
The majority of items are in English, with some French and a few in German
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